Free genealogy search engine
Genealogy Indexer was created in August 2008 by genealogist Logan Kleinwaks, as an extension of his earlier Search Engine for Online Historical Directories.
The site has always been completely free to use with no advertising. It is operated as a service to the genealogy community.
VFFOW - prewar - Birth-Marriage-Death
New: Entries about birth, marriage and death in the registry offices of East and West Prussia from the State Archive Olsztyn in Poland can now be found easily. The Allensteiner Indexing Project of the Association for Family Research in East and West Prussia VFFOW has created a German-language search site where you can easily find the digitalized entries you are looking for.
VFFOW Special page for population group Jews with links and a contact person for “Jewish Genealogy” in German language.
The association member and initiator of the “Family database Jews in the German Reich” is Mr. Ingo Paul.
Tracing the Past - Maping Jewish Residents of Germany 1939
The debut of Mapping the Lives incorporates a largely expanded and annotated version of the 1939 German Minority Census with more than 406,000 entries, adding information from the German Federal Archives “List of Jewish Residents in the German Reich 1933-1945″. All of the entries are navigable via interactive maps showing the place(s) each person lived,
allowing you to search complete streets and neighborhoods to see the biographies of the people who once lived there. Each marker on the map links directly people’s biography. Both the biographies and the maps will be additionally available via apps for the most commonly used mobile device platforms.
Offices of the Registrar of Birth, Death and Marriages - Standesamt Berlin

You can find online on Ancestry the following scans: Ancestry Koenigsberg Data; Birth certificates (1874-1899), marriage certificates (1874-1929) and death certificates (1871-1944). Unfortunately there are small gaps in the registries. If you look under Ancestry, choose the following record group: Eastern Prussian Provinces, Germany [Poland], Selected Civil Vitals, 1874-1945, Königsberg (Pr.), 1941.
Link to Ancestry “Eastern Prusian Provinces >>
If you look for birth certificates after 1899 and marriage certificates after 1929, you can ask to make an appointment to visit the Landesarchiv Berlin, email:
Address Books of Koenigsberg (Adressbücher)

Looking for an address in Koenigsberg from 1872 till 1906? A great source for genealogical research are the Koenigsberg address books. Here you can find some of them >>
Address Book of Koenigsberg (Adressbuch) 1941
Einwohnerbuch 1941
The adressbook Koenigsberg from 1941. The complete book is visible on GenWiki >>
Memorial Book (Gedenkbuch) - Victims

Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933 – 1945
Memorial Book (English access at the German Federal Archives) >>
Arolsen Archives - Victims and Survivors

The Arolsen Archives are an international center on Nazi persecution with the world’s most comprehensive archive on the victims and survivors of Nazi persecution (incl. Jewish DPs after the war).