press release 2021 MARCH
Jewish Museum in Kaliningrad/Königsberg will be built in 2021 – Support of (German) Federal Foreign Office
The first stage of the permanent exhibition of a Jewish Museum will be realized in the recently rebuilt synagogue of Kaliningrad in 2021. The Federal Foreign Office is providing 250 thousand euros for this purpose this year. The first stage will focus on German-Jewish cultural heritage and a place of remembrance for Jewish forced labor and the Shoah in the East Prussian region. The association coordinating the project, “Juden in Ostpreussen e.V.,” plans to complete the permanent exhibition in three years. Completed sections are to be opened for visitors before then. The museum will then convey stories gathered with the help of descendants from around the world, as well as the lives and experiences of residents after 1945.
Contact: Juden in Ostpreussen Verein zur Geschichte und Kultur e.V.
Chairwoman: Prof. Dr. Ruth Leiserowitz,
The association Museum of the New Synagogue Kaliningrad/Königsberg (Музей Новой синагоги Калининграда/Кенигсберга) is at present in establishment.
It has its seat in: Kaliningrad, ul. Oktyabrskaya 1
(236006 г.Калининград , ул. Октябрьская д.1, Тел.: +7(952) 116-00-53)
Mail address (Эл.почта):
Responsible for this:
For the Board of the Jewish Community Kaliningrad
– Ms Natalia Lorens
As Special Representative of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia for Kaliningrad and the Region
– Rabbi Aaron Gurevich
For the registered association “Jews in East Prussia, Verein zur Geschichte und Kultur e.V.”, Berlin
– Prof Dr Ruth Leiserowitz