2023 MAI Facebook – Reaktion von Dorit Etzion (Israel) über den Beitrag Kleins Kleiderbügel aus Braunsberg
An die sehr lieben Prof. Ruth und Michael Leiserowitz,
Es ist schwer zu beschreiben, welchen Gefühlsausbruch ich heute Morgen hatte, als ich Ihren Beitrag über meine Großeltern Dr. Walter Klein und seine Frau Herta aus Königsberg und deren Gedenken in Ihrem Projekt im neuen Museum in der restaurierten Synagoge in Königsberg sah.
Es begann mit Ihren Rückfragen, die ich in Folge meiner Streifzüge durch das Internet von Ihnen bekam und ich teilte mit Ihnen die Information über meine Großeltern, in Bildern und Briefen, von denen Sie einige für mich übersetzt haben. Ihr setztet die Nachforschungen in den Archiven im Ausland fort und reistet am Ende bis in die Geburtsstadt meines Großvaters nach Braunsberg und in das dortige Regional-Museum von Braniewo. Ihr fandet die Kleiderbügel und das Foto von dem Modegeschäft meines Urgroßvaters Jacob Klein und seiner Frau Clara.
Mir fehlen die Worte, um Ihnen zu danken und Ihnen noch einmal für all Ihre Investition in das Gedenken an meine lieben Großeltern zu danken. Meine Töchter und Enkel freuen sich mit mir sehr über jede Information und über die Gedenkarbeit die das Museum in Königsberg leistet.
Ich hoffe die Gelegenheit zu bekommen das Museum in Königsberg und Braniewo (dem ehemaligen Braunsberg) zu besuchen. 28.05.2023
2018 JAN Facebook – Dank für die Erwähnung der Familie Heymann im Katalog der Ausstellung „Juden in Königsberg“ – Link zur Seite Ausstellungskatalog >>

Facebook – J. McGovern / USA 25. Mai 2014

I want to thank the Administrators of this page. Two years ago I posted an inquiry looking for information on my wife’s ancestor Ferdinand Pollnow 1825- 1886, and his family. I listed names of his daughters and their husbands. Ferdinand was born in Ragnit to Samuel, and died in Goldap, before the family moved back to Tilsit. Last month Robert Gregory, our new cousin, found my original post and recognized the names from a handwritten family tree that his mother had in Sydney Australia. The tree was created in stages from 1917 to 1985, started by Hans-Moritz Pollnow of Koenigsberg 1902-1943. Robert sent me the tree and support information and we added almost 150 new names of Pollnow decedents Happy to the few names that we had. The tree added four new generations that proceeded Ferdinand’s, going back to 1720. It also shows the family dispersed across many countries starting in the 19th century. This Facebook page will have made possible our ability to keep the Pollnow history alive and current.
Sent: Thursday, 1. February 2007 07:14
to: Dr. Ruth Leiserowitz
Suject: Ashfield calling
Dear Dr. Ruth, I thank you so much for your letter keeping me in touch of the work you are doing and where the exhibition re the Jewish community of East Prussia for which I sent you some of our family’s photos. I wonder if you would be so kind as to let me know when and where the exhibition will be held when it gets to Israel as I have cousins there who would be most interested to see it. I also wonder if you will ever come as far as Australia?
As always, I wish you much success with these exhibitions .. you have put so much work into them, you deserve no less. With kindest regards, Hanna
2007 From Breslau via Gdansk to Königsberg Seminar Berlin 31AUG
Dear Dr. Ruth Leiserowitz,
I would like to thank you once again for the invitation to the seminar „From Breslau via Gdansk to Koenigsberg“. The participation in the seminar provided me with numerous informations on various research issues which different organisations are currently occupied with. I was also able to gain a wider insight in the history of Jews in Silesia – and not only in East Prussia, but also in the whole German territory. Not minor important was for me the possibility to get to know people who are working with similar topics. I am convinced that the contacts I made during the seminar will be useful for the future cooperation. The participation in the seminar gave me motivation for the prospective work in the given range of topics.
With best regards from Gliwic (Poland)
Bozena Kubit