The Jews of Königsberg at the turn of the 20th century

Where is this Königsberg anyway? In the West or in the East?

Koenigsberg at the turn of the century from the Russian point of view

Кёнигсбергъ, польск. Кролeвeц, укрѣпл. главн. гор. прусск. пров. Вост. Пруссiи и округа
К. коронацioнный гор., третья резиденцiя монархiи, по обѣимъ стoр. текущaго cъ в. на з. въ
двухъ рукавахъ Прегеля, черезъ кот. ведут 8 мостовъ (одинъ жел.-дор.), въ 7,5 км. oтъ впаденiя
р. въ Фришъ-Гаффъ. Жит. (1895) 172, 796 (159,820 еванг., 4076 евр., для кот. постр. новая синагога).
(Большая энциклопедiя. Словарь общедостyпных свeдений по всем отраслям знaния под
редакцией С. Н. Южакова, Tом 10. Идумэя — Китченер. — 1902, с. 688)

1. Фрагмент географической карты

East Prussia Russian Map

Königsberg at the Turn of the Century from the English Perspective

Königsberg (in Polish Królewiec), chief town of a government district in the province of East Prussia
and since 1843 a fortress of the first rank, is situated on the Pregel, 4 ½ miles from its mouth in the Frische
Haff, 25 miles from the sea-coast, and 397 miles north east of Berlin, in 54° 43’ N. lat. and 20° 30’ E. long.
It consists of three formerly independent parts.
(The Encyclopædia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts. Sciences, and General Literature. Ninth Edition,
Volume XIV Kaolin – Lons-le-Saulnier, MDCCCLXXXII, p. 138–139)

2. Section of a map

Director's Cut

Distance signs Kaliingrad

At the Kings Gate in Kaliningrad 2015.
Most western point in the East, most Eastern Point of the West?

Shopping Center Europa, Kaliningrad 2015

Shopping center in Kaliningrad