Logo Jews in East Prussia

Online exhibition

The Jews of Königsberg at the turn of the 20th century

Jews in Königsberg
History Museum Kaliningrad

The exhibition of November 2017 in the Kaliningrad Regional History Museum - online and with Director's Cut

The photos and documents in this catalog and exhibit were for a long time totally lost from view,
when not actually completely forgotten. They were buried from sight in many locations …. continued below

Where is this Königsberg anyway?

Encyclopædia Britannica

Who explains to us the period? The eyewitness introduces

„It’s the family, Baby!“ Jewish history bases on family networks

The example of a family XXL- the Eichelbaums

Marx - A successful banker

Seizing the Opportunity - Immigration as a Model for Success

„It’s the economy, Baby!” The flourishing border trade

The hub of the tea trade

Visible until today: Patronage for the well-being of the city

To the best of your health! The lucrative medical tourism

Charity is the purpose - Social Life

Leisure activities - clubs for everyone and everything

A heart for orphans - The establishment of orphanages

Zionism - the idea is moving

Zionisten Königsberg Hebräisch

Student life - on Jewish!

Cranz - the stylish summer resort

Matters of belief

Take a seat! The festive dedication of the New Synagogue in 1896

Celebration and prayer

The eyewitness says goodbye and a new era will soon begin.

Liebeck in Königsberg

The photos and documents in this catalogue and exhibit were for a long time totally lost from view, when not actually completely forgotten. They were buried from sight in many locations: in a red suitcase on Long Island, in a steamer trunk in a garage in Johannesburg (South Africa), in an airplane hand-bag in Ramat Gan, and in many other places. It took several years to find, decipher, and collect them. They tell us about a time period and life in Königsberg that have been lost to memory for several decades. This epoch and memories of it were totally eclipsed by the anti-Semitic legislation in the Third Reich after 1933, followed by the persecution and disenfranchisement of Jews as well as the Holocaust.

Kollage Quellen Juden Ostpreussen

New exhibition since 2022

The history and culture of Jewish Königsberg are the focus of the first permanent exhibition in the Museum in the Kaliningrad Synagogue and has been open since 2022. Website of the museum: jmkaliningrad.org

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