1 Go to our Paypal Donation Page: paypal.me/Jewsineastprussia >>

2 Or send simply a donation with Paypal to the email:   info@judeninostpreussen.de

3 Or ask for our bank details (IBAN and BIC) for direct bank transfers –  Contact >>

Thank you so much for your support. Even with small amounts you can accomplish a lot on the spot!

Project 1

Become a sponsor of an exciting project – the running of the modern permanent exhibition “Trough Koenigsberg with Jewish Eyes” in the museum of the recently restored Kaliningrad/Königsberg Synagogue. Project from 2022. Keyword “Museum”. Museum Web Page [jmkaliningrad.org]

Logo Museum Kaliningrad Synagogue
Synagogue Rosenberg Poland Susz

Project 2

In Susz in Poland stands the synagogue of the former German town of Rosenberg (the place belonged times to West and East Prussia). Dedicated residents have completed the renovation of the building in 2020 and opened a local history museum. We support the project and plan to contribute about the history of the Jews and the synagogue, with a technical installation that will also appeal to school classes! Please help us under the keyword “Rosenberg”.

Project 3

Support us, the association, which since 2004 has had the vision of presenting the exciting Jewish life in East Prussia with its Lithuanian, Russian, Polish and German influences. With research, websites, books, exhibitions, genialogy, press work and a lot of imagination.
Support the association “Jews in East Prussia” – so that it can go on and on!
Keyword: “Keep going”

Kids in Kaliningrad

Telling the story to the next generation in Kaliningrad

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We are entitled to issue donation receipts for donations.

Please inform us of your address for the issue of the donation receipt.