22. The twelve daughters and sons of the Minna and Salomon Eichelbaum Family at the 70th birthday celebration of their mother in 1890 in Königsberg
Merchant Benjamin Schreiber with his wife Emma nee Eichelbaum. He was a member of
the “Association for the Orphanage”.
Merchant Joachim
Eichelbaum with his wife
Nathalie nee Landsberg.
She was active in the
Photo of the late Salomon Eichelbaum, trader and entrepreneur in Insterburg (today Chernyachovsk).
Merchant Hartwig Lazar with his wife Heinrietta nee Eichelbaum. He belonged to the representatives of the Jewish congregation. She was active in the “Clothing Society” (Bekleidungsverein). The couple made a foundation for the orphanage.
Minna Eichelbaum
Merchant Alex Rosenbaum was a member of the “Association for the Orphanage”. He and his wife Ida (nee Eichelbaum) made a foundation for the orphanage.
Johanna (nee Landsberg) and Laser Eichelbaum. She was active in the “Bekleidungsverein” and very active in charity in the Jewish congregation. He was a member of the “Association for the Orphanage”. He belonged to the representatives of the Jewish congregation.
At first glance the generational change is not apparent, but the sons’ professions reveal it. The next generation had new professions.
Dr. Georg Eichelbaum became an important chemist and moved to Berlin (here with his wife Grete),
his brother Oscar was accountant and the other brother Albert worked as an procurator.