The Jews of Königsberg at the turn of the 20th century
Leisure activities - clubs for everyone and everything
Clubs and Societies
“In 1892, in response to the suggestion from around 12-15 Jewish men […], the “Association for Jewish History and Literature” was founded, and it […] still exists today. When the local association was founded, I immediately became a member of the board and the association’s poet. […] I may be permitted to say that in addition to my friend Birnbaum [the chief cantor of the Synagogue], I have been one of the most cherished members of the association.” (Aron Liebeck)
64. Page from the catalogue of the library of the Association for Jewish Literature and History (here Russian book titles are listed)
As with many other Jewish associations, this one also had a unifying character. Members from different strata and congregations gathered there – from bank directors and rabbis down to university students and interested salesclerks. Women were also among the members.
63. Louis Saalschütz (1835–1913); mathematics professor in Königsberg, active in several Jewish associations
62. Counsel Max Minkowski (1844–1924); grain merchant, French counsel in Königsberg und benefactor of the newly constructed Art Museum in Königsberg
Director's Cut
Catalogue of the library of the Association for Jewish History and Literature at the opening of the exhibition 2017
51. Counsel Max Minkowski’s house and the Hall of Art he donated for in today Kaliningrad
16. Real men have fun at sub-zero temperatures in the gym