Signet Opening Museum Synagogue Kaliningrad


Sep: In the museum of the synagogue in Kaliningrad the core-exhibition “Through Königsberg with Jewish Eyes” was opened for visitors.


March: Our association has received a notice of grant from the (German) Federal Foreign Office for this year to finance the first stage of a permanent exhibition “Museum New Synagogue Kaliningrad/Königsberg”.


Logo Museum Kaliningrad Beit Knesset

June: Decition to prepare the establishment of the association “Museum of the New Synagogue Kaliningrad/Königsberg”. Members are: Board of the Jewish Community Kaliningrad, Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia and association “Jews in East Prussia, Verein zur Geschichte und Kultur e.V.


Footsteps of Jews in Koenigsberg

Jun 2019 Training for city guides in the footsteps of the Jews of Königsberg was carried out in cooperation with the Foundation for Synagogue Construction Kaliningrad. Conception of trails for Jewish history.


Eröffnung Synagoge Kaliningrad
Nov 2018 Inaurugation of Reconstructed Synagogue of Königsberg in Kaliningrad

Warsaw IAJGS 2018
Aug 2018 Lectures and international contacts at IAJGS in Warsaw

POLIN Delegatia

Feb 23 2018 Delegation comming from Kaliningrad to visit POLIN Museum Warsaw, History of Jews in Poland.

Construction Synagogue Kaliningrad

Feb 19 2018 Lifting the dome (23 t) on the carcass of the synagogue in Kaliningrad (It is not our activity, but we were very excited about it)


Opening Exhibition Kaliningrad

Exhibition Kaliningrad “Jews in Königsberg in the turn of the 20th century”
09 Nov- 10 Dec 2017

Touring Kaliningrad Descendants
Jul 2017 Touring Kaliningrad with famous descendents – Ofra – daughter of Israeli Composer Daniel Sambursky, Father Zionist activist in Koenigsberg and Author Manfred Fluegge.

Presentations before the opening of the Exhibition
“About a Zionist Cereal Trader, Patrons and Health Tourism
News about the History of the Jews in Koenigsberg around 1900″

Lueneburg, Germany 2017 May 31, in the museum: “Ostpreußische Landesmuseum”,
Kaliningrad, Russia 2017 March 6 in at the Hesed Office at Copernicus St.


Plakat Lecture Kaliningrad
Presentations before the opening of the Exhibition
Kaliningrad, Russia, Dec 18 2016 “Kick Off Event” in Museum Friedlaender Gate

Seattle IAGS 2016
Aug 2016 Lectures and booth at IAJGS in Seattle

Concert Kaliningrad Heyman
Jul 2016 Concert in Kaliningrad, songs of Werner Richard Heymann born in Koenigsberg with his daughter Elisabeth.

Young Jewish Comunity Kaliningrad

Apr 2016 talking to the young Jewish people of Kaliningrad about Jewish prewar history in Koenigsberg


Koenigsberg Akte
Dec 2015 Continuing visiting archives in Jerusalem (later Tefen, Tel Aviv, Olsztyn and Berlin).

Sep 2015 Starting intensive historical research about Jews in Koenigsberg, meeting the Kaliningrad synagogue Construction Foundation at the construction site.

Jerusalem IAJGS 2015
Jul 2015 Lectures at IAJGS in Jerusalem


Platzkarte Königsberg 1896
Dec 2014 Starting to research in Jerusalem archives the inauguration of the great Synagogue in Koenigsberg 1896

Exhibition “Jews in Memel”
Sept 21 till Oct 10 2014 in Olsztyn (Allenstein) (Poland) at the Mendelsohn House on the occasion of the 8. Jewish Days of Culture,


Nov 16 2013 Kaliningrad, Russian-German House, Memorial evening 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht organized by Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Center as a part of the 8th international conference “Holocaust Lessons and Contemporary Russia” who was held under the title “Kristallnacht: History, Memorialization, Lessons” in Kaliningrad November 14-17

Exhibition “Jews in Memel”
Jun 26 till Sep 13 2013 in New York / (USA),  From the border town out into the world – 100 years of Jewish life in Memel / Klaipeda at the Holocaust Resource Center & Archives, Queensborough Community College, Bayside, NY,


Memel Klaipeda Cemetery
Jul 2012 Travelling the border zone to East Prussia – former Pale of Settlement (Russian Empire),  Lithuania, incl. Klaipeda (Memel, Memelland).


Kiel Jews in Tilsit Exhibition
Aug 2011 Exhibition “Jews in Tilsit” in Kiel, Town Hall (Germany)


Sabbatleuchter und Kriegerverein Book

The book about the 200 years East Prussian Jewish History, in German


Goldmann Steiner Berlin
2009 sisters Margie Goldman and Anne Steiner from UK came to Berlin. Background: Their Grand-Grandfather Adolf Funk was an important agent for the shipping company Hapag Lloyd in the wave of emigration from east to west in the 1850s.

Exhibition Tilsit 2009
Exhibition “Jews in Tilsit” in Sovetsk City Museum (Russia) July 12 till August 30 2009


IAJGS 2008 Chicago

Aug 2008 Lectures at IAJGS in Chicago

Ostpreussentreffen 2008

May 2008 Representing Jewish affairs at a non Jewish meeting day of East Prussians in Berlin


Seminar Berlin, European Academy 31 August – 2 September 2007 “From Breslau via Gdansk to Königsberg” Living environments and remembrance of Jews in Silesia, East and West Prussia

Exhibition “Jews in Memel”
Jan 16 till Feb 13 2007 in  Kaunas, Regional Library (Lithuania)


Exhibition “Jews in Memel”
Jan 14 till Feb 27 2006 in Silute/Heydekrug (Lithuania)
Mar 23 till Jul 01 2006 in Vilnius (Lithuania)


Segalowitz NYC Memel

Ivor Segalowitz in NYC spent his childhood in Memel and was a Holocaust survivor. He contributed much material for the first Exhibition Jews in Memel

Opening exhibition “Jews in Memel” Sep 25 till Dec 20 2005 in Klaipeda/Memel (Lithuania)

Seminar in Sankelmark 2. – 4. September 2005 Jews in East Prussia with Academia Baltica/Luebeck and the “Society of the Friends of Fortress Boyen” Loetzen / Gizyck


Founding the society on September 05, 2004 in Berlin with the following name:
Jews in East Prussia. Registered Association of History and Culture

Horst Leiber Wuppertal

Horst Leiber from Wuppertal Germany was one of the very few former East Prussians who dealt with the history of the Jews in his homeland. He was collecting material and had a large correspondence to eye whitnesses in Israel. After his death the scientific legacy of him was transferred to the library of the Society Jews in East Prussia in Berlin.




Wilna Traces of Jews

Organising journey Jewsh Traces in Lithuania and Latvia (including Memelland and border Shtetl to East Prussia, here in Vilnius, former Ghetto, guiding by Fania Brancovskaja


Rutman Tilsit

Meeting Isaak Rutman in Sowjetsk (Tilsit), he was a collector of German remains during communist area and his home was a museum. He survived as a Jew the war in Leningrad and collected stories about Jews in Tilsit.


Orphanage Koenigsberg 1999

The Jewish orphanage, remaining building next to the demolated Great Synagogue of Koenigsberg

Interview Israel Ostpreussen

Starting to visit former East Prussian emigrants in Israel for interviewing and collecting family pictures



1992 Kaliningrad Cathedral

Visiting the area of the former Heart Island of Koenigsberg, ruin of the cathedral

Bahnhof Heydekrug Silute

Visiting the Memelland – fomer Sowjet Republic, now new Lithuania. Railway Station of Silute is still showing the old German signs of Heydekrug (till 1923 part of Eastern Prussia)


Nordbahnhof Lenin

Visiting Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg) after the Fall of the Iron Fence, Postcard with the Northern Railwaystation, still with a Lenin Memorial.