New text finds on the opening of the old people’s home, now a hospital in Vilkaviskis (now Lithuania), which shows the connection to the nearby town of Eydtkuhnen in Eastern Prussia.

Der Gemeindebote

Supplement to the Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums
74th year. No. 36, Berlin, September 9, 1910
(from German translated)

Eydtkuhnen, September 1. With the participation of a crowd numbering in the thousands and in the presence of the heads of the authorities and the district administrator, the ceremonial inauguration of the Jewish old people’s home and hospital in nearby Willkowischken (Russia), built at a cost of over 20,000 roubles, took place on the 22nd of last month. The splendid building was opened by the district administrator and Mr. Bernhard Freidberg (in the company B. Bernheim & Cie.) from Eydtkuhnen. The last mentioned contributed half of the costs with his sister, so that the realization of this blessed work is due to him.