At the lecture on November 24 in Olsztyn, Ruth Leiserowitz presented some new findings and discoveries about the Jewish history of the city to an interested audience.
We got to know Irene Shirun-Grumach z״l at Beit Moses in Jerusalem.
In the memoirs of Friederike Grumach, née Mendelsohn, she tells in vivid descriptions much of the everyday history of the Jews in Allenstein in the late 19th century.
![Simonsohn Shop](https://jewsineastprussia.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Kollage-Simonsohn-shop-1024x626.jpg)
In her memoirs, Friederike Grumach tells of her beautiful aunt Paulutta, who married into the Simonson brothers’ textile business, which was well-known in Allenstein.
For the first time, a picture of Rabbi and Mrs. Tonn, who worked here in Allenstein, was shown. Source: Privat Family Tonn collection