Short film clips from the Jewish Museum in Kaliningrad are presented here, they can be found on YouTube and Instagram. The permanent exhibition on the history of the Jews in Königsberg has had increasing popularity since its opening in September 2022. Also, the new special exhibition since May 2023 about the departure of Jews from East Prussia since the Nazi takeover in Germany shows how Jews sought strategies to preserve a dignified life in difficult times.

Impressions of the Core Exhibition in Instagram

“The New Kaliningrad Synagogue Museum is a place where history comes to life.
It’s a place where you can learn about the city’s past, its culture and people, learn about the last days of Jewish Königsberg”
– see the gloom wheel in action

Impressions of Suitcase in the Temporary Exhibition in Instagram

Some children were given the opportunity to travel alone, without parents to the Netherlands and Great Britain – if the parents made this decision with a heavy heart. What was allowed to be taken in a suitcase, what little treasures were taken abroad as a child, girls and boys of today can discover for themselves in a suitcase from that time. The first special exhibition since the opening of the Jewish Museum “Farewell to Königsberg” tells the fates of Jews from the Königsberg region who left Germany from 1933.
– Link to the Clip

Trailer 2023 about the museum in Kaliningrad in YouTube

A short promotional clip of the Jewish Museum in Kaliningrad Synagogue about the exhibition Jews in Königsberg, which has been shown all over the city since June 2023. Language: Russian.
– to the clip