Excursions through East and West Prussia

Strassburg – Brodnica, Detail of an original negative of a photo in the town museum showing the former shop signs at the main market place

What do the places look like today where the Jews of East and West Prussia lived? Can their traces still be found or is there a local commemoration? What can today’s townscapes tell us about the people’s former lives?

In May and June 2020, right after the travel loosening during the Corona crisis, representatives of our association started to visit places within Poland, which were located in the region of the Corridor and the West of East Prussia before the 2nd World War. These places changed their rulers several times in history, which also had an impact on the migration of Jews overseas and within Prussia.

Graudenz – Grudziądz, Old Granaries

We would like to take you to this special part of the country and list the visited places here. We will tell you stories about them gradually. If there are already questions, further information and interest, you are welcome to send us your questions or contributions.

Bakałarzewo (Was Polish border town, not far from Oletzko – Olecko)

Bartenstein – Bartoszyce

Bischofsburg – Biskupiec

Christburg – Dzierzgoń

Deutsch Eylau – Iława

Freystadt – Kisielice

Gerswalde – Jerzwałd

Grajewo (Was Polish border town, not far from Prostken)

Graudenz – Grudziądz

Korschen – Korsze

Landsberg – Górowo Iławeckie

Lautenburg – Lidzbark Welski

Lautenburg – Lidzbark Welski, J. Josephson’s vinegar and fuel factory then and now. The house next door might have been the old religious school?

Liebemühl – Miłomłyn

Löbau – Lubawa

Lyck – Ełk

Marggrabowa (Oletzko) 1928 Treuburg – Olecko

Neumark in Westpreussen – Nowe Miasto Lubawskie

Prostken – Prostki

Rastenburg – Kętrzyn

Riesenburg – Prabuty

Rosenberg – Susz

Saalfeld – Zalewo

Schippenbeil – Sępopol

Seeburg – Jeziorany

Sensburg – Mrągowo

Strassburg – Brodnica

(German – Polish term)

Rosenberg – Susz, The synagogue still stands here and since the end of 2019 an association plans to establish a local museum here. We will report on this initiative and research stories about the Rosenberg district, which has long belonged to West Prussia.