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Goldap synagogue square

The Jewish community in Goldap had two cemeteries. The oldest one was established at the beginning of the 19th century at Darkehmer Chaussee, presently Cmentarna Street, on a plot of approximately 0.1 ha. The small size of the cemetery made it probably necessary to organize another burial place in the first years of the 20th century. The new cemetery was established about 200 m further on, between Darkehmer Chaussee and the railway line, in the immediate vicinity of the Protestant cemetery.

Cemetery Goldap

Both cemeteries were devastated during the Second World War and in later years. Several dozen tombstones or fragments of tombstones have survived in the old cemetery to this day. On the basis of the provided iconographic material, it was possible to read personal data of some of the deceased:

  • Friedlaender, Doris, nee Henoch
  • Friedlaender, Joachim, died on June 25, 1870
  • Lando, Rachel, daughter of David Lando
  • Levin, David (Hebrew: Jehuda Lejb, son of Solomon), died on March 13, 1872
  • Pollnow, Ferdinand, died on May 4, 1886
  • Süsskind, Max (Hebrew: Mordechai, son of Zvi), died on August 12, 1907

Jewish Cemetery Goldap

In 2001, thanks to the efforts of the Nissenbaum Family Foundation, the authorities of Gołdap and the Israeli town of Giwat Szmuel, the cemetery was cleaned up. The facility is fenced, the entrance is possible through an unlocked gate. It would be desirable to make a detailed list of tombstones and place it on the website.

Nissenbaum Goldap

In the second cemetery, only fragments of broken tombstones and relics of the fence have survived. The area is neglected and generally accessible.

more pictures on original web page Cmentarze Zydowski >>
text: Krzysztof Bielawski
photos: Jews in East Prussia
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