In co-operation of 2020 with

The Jewish cemetery in Morąg (Mohrungen) was established in 1835, at present Jagiellończyka Street. It can be assumed that the necropolis was devastated by the Nazis and the years of post-war oblivion were conducive to further destruction. As Erwin Kruk writes in his article about Prussian Jews, published in “Gazeta Olsztyńska”. (no. 55 from 19-21.03.1999), still in the mid-1950s the cemetery was well-preserved, there were numerous tombstones.
Today, only a few standing matzevot have survived in the necropolis and the concrete frames of the destroyed graves. The devastation was ended by a local teacher, Krzysztof Piotrowski, who, together with his students, took care of the cemetery in the late 1990s. In 2002, a plaque with an inscription was placed on the pillar of the former cemetery gate: “Three times the Jewish cemetery died: death, smashed tombstone, forgetting. Cemetery of the Jewish community in Morąg (Mohrungen) from 1835 to 1933”.
text: K. Bielawski
pictures: BZ
More pictures pls. refer to original web page cmentarze-zydowskie >>
More photos from this cemetery at the web page Virtual Shtetl >>
We are looking for all information about the Jews from Morąg and their necropolis.
We are also interested in accounts of people who remember this cemetery from before World War II.
In co-operation of 2020 with