remark = the German ß can be written as ss
Groß Kackschen, 1938-1945 Birkenhain, today Sadowo (Russia)

Klein Kackschen, 1938-1945 Kleinbirkenhain, today Alexejewka (Russia)

In the second half of the 19th Century there was a large Jewish settlement in the region of Tilsit-Ragnit in the villages of Groß Kackschen (17 Families), Klein Karckschen (20 families), Abschruten (2 families), Lengeninken (1 family) and Untereisseln (1 family). In addition one can also count the village Ellernthal (8 families) which lies in the neighbouring region of Pillkalen.

Gross Kakschen Ragnit Tilsit area
Somewhere here must have been Gross Kackschen, within East Prussia there were unusually many Jews here, pic. year 2000

Unfortunately it is very difficult to find sources about these settlements.

The citizens employed a Jewish ritual officer who was a Russian subject. Because of the restrictive policy he was eventually expelled whereby a large members of the community protested against his expulsion.

Interview with a contemporary witness at the USC Shoah Foundation: William (formerly Werner) Bergmann tells how, as a child, he saw the wooden prayer house of the Jews of Groß and Klein Kakschen burn down on Pogrom Night 1938.

The following families can be identified from the petition from the 16 March 1885 on the royal senior president (Königlichen Oberpräsident):

Merchant W. Lehmann
Merchant I Finkelstein
Merchant S. Lehmann
D.Reiner, I.Reiner
Merchant K.Kosetzki
Merchant Libowske
Hirsch Leman
Jakob Jakobsohn, Abschruten
M. Bloch
Restaurant owner Jesersky
Restaurant owner Jeschel Guttmann
Merchant S. Libowski
Merchant Meyer Reisman
Landlord Leib Finkelstein
M. Rubinstein
Merchant Marus Bergmann
Landlord Meyer Guttmann
Landlord K. Lehmann
Landlord M. Jesersky
Merchant Israel Löwenstein
Merchant Abraham Stargert
Merchant Kuschel Reinerdt
Merchant Leopold Meyer
Widow Neumark
Landlord L. Wyjan
Merchant F. Kelermann
Merchant I Brelling
Marcus Mayer
Abraham Baschmann
Moses Wyjan
W. Lerenskin
Merchant D. Lehmann
Merchant Jankel Lehmann
B. Joachim

Translation from German by Mark Lekarew

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