Prof. Ruth Leiserowitz talks about the history of this place and the revival of Jewish life in Kaliningrad in her lecture entitled “Synagogue in Kaliningrad – a history written anew”.
Sunday, November 7th 2021, 4.00 pm CET
In Olsztyn, Mendelsohn House
online Facebook link: live on fb.com/Borussia.Olsztyn
online YouTube link: https://youtu.be/OiTeOc00NzQ
Language: Polish (later we add subtitles in several languages)
This German historian, who specializes in the history of East Prussia, the history of the Polish-German-Lithuanian borderland and the history of German Jews, will also talk about works on the permanent exhibition called ‘Museum New Synagogue Kaliningrad/Königsberg’, which will present the history of East Prussian Jews and commemorate their Holocaust.

On November 8, 2018, the New Synagogue was inaugurated in Kaliningrad – its building refers in its form to the building of the Königsberg synagogue, destroyed by the Nazis in November 1938.

The lecture will take place on the eve of the anniversary of the Kristallnacht, which marked the beginning of organized persecution of Jews in the Third Reich. The tragic events of the night of November 9th-10th, 1938, also took place in Olsztyn and other cities of the former East Prussia.
The lecture in Polish will be held in Mendelsohn’s House.
The meeting will be simultaneously broadcast on FB Borussia.Olsztyn and on YouTube channel of Borussia Olsztyn.
Organizers: “Borussia” Foundation, “Borussia” Cultural Community Association
Event partner: “Jews in East Prussia” Association
Partners: B’Jachad Association, Forum for Public Dialogue, Freunde der Borussia Olsztyn/Allenstein e.V., Provincial Public Library, College of Eastern Europe, I High School in Olsztyn, Elementary School no. 10, Elementary School no. 14, Staromiejska Restaurant 2.0
Financial support: Goethe-Institut in Warsaw, Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship Government, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation