The town of Memel was before 1923 a part of East Prussia (Ostpreussen), today it belongs to Lithuania, the Lithuanian Name is Klaipeda.
Schützenhaus in Memel/Klaipeda, Šaulių g. 36, once the traditional festival hall for Purim or Chanuka events of the Jewish community and for the Bar Kochba Sports Club
The Illusion of a transmigrative Existence.
Jews in Memel in the 20th Centuryie
Publication of the Nord Ost Institut (Institute of History of Germans in North Eastern Europe, University of Hamburg), Volume 10
Author: Ruth Leiserowitz, Pdf-File, 27 pages download >>
- Introduction
- Sourses
- Interface between East and West
- The New Upturn
- Statistics
- Economics
- School
- Linguistic Usage
- Life within associations
- Jewish Life
- Society
- Threatening Signs
- Escape
- Futile Attempts to Find a Way Out
- Extermination
- Memel without Jews
- Summary
Essay in English
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