Yantarny beach

Finally names for the victims ?

In Palmnicken a massacre of approximately 3,000, most Polish Jewish women, was carried out during the night of January 31 to February 1, 1945. An

Jewish School in Königsberg

Königsberg / Kaliningrad. For an exhibition in the rebuilt synagogue on the topic “Jewish School in Königsberg” we are looking for pictures, documents and stories

Königsberg Chewra Kadischa

Index of Jews in Königsberg evaluated

We are pleased to announce that thanks to the cooperation of Ralph Salinger in Israel (JewishVilkaviskis.org) and Michael Leiserowitz from the Association of Jews in East Prussia, another source has been added to the database “Jews in Königsberg”. It will one day become the basis for an information centre on Jews in Königsberg.

Neuhaeuser Youth Camp

Jewish holiday home Neuhäuser

In the early summer of 1921 a Jewish children’s holiday home was built in Neuhäuser, which was based on a generous foundation by the couple

Hermann Lapidas Cantor Seckenburg

Hermann Lapidas alias Hosias Rischmann

He was born in 1848 in Vilkaviškis as Hosias Rischmann and had received his education as a young man in a yeshiva in Vilnius and at Salanter in Kaunas. Since 1895 he was in charge of the congregation in Seckenburg.