Visit in Jerusalem Shirun Grumach

Part 3 Searching for traces

In search of traces of the Königsberg library, the association “Jews in East Prussia” drove to Jerusalem and visited Dr. Irene Shirun-Grumach on 9 February

Books Synagogue Koenigsberg

Where did the books disappear to?

As early as the summer of 1938, Nazi authorities ordered that all Jewish libraries be registered. The order for the Reichspogromnacht also meant that archive

40th anniversary in office

Eduard Birnbaum

Pic: Courtesy of the Leo Beck Institute, New York Eduard Birnbaum (born 1855 in Krakow, died 1920 in Königsberg) was cantor, composer, choral conductor and

Nechama Drober Video

After the November pogrom ……

After the November pogrom, a feverish search for emigration opportunities began. Some families managed to emigrate, others failed for various reasons. In the following we

Propp Villa

Königsberg 1938

The new series about the pogrom night 2018 on Facebook, what happened 80 years ago…..