Translated: The history of the Jews in Rastenburg
In October 2019, the Blusztyn Association updated its publication on Jewish life in the city of Rastenburg and published it in English. The Association Jews

Jews of Preussisch Holland
Now we have two pages about Preussisch Holland in East Prussia (Pasłek in Poland). 1) List of 115 names of Jews from the cemetery register,

Jews on the Battlefield of the Great War
Remembering the Jewish Soldiers of all Armies in WW1. Events at 06th October 2019 in Kaliningrad (Russia, former Koenigsberg, East Prussia, Germany)

Talks in Berlin about Kaliningrad
(Translated from German, FB post of East Prussian State Museum SEP 20 2019) Last November, after a few years, the Königsberg Synagogue was reopened after