Exhibition Joseph Klarwein

For the first time, a section of the work of this modernist architect, who is relatively little known today, is being shown in a special exhibition at the New Synagogue Museum.

March of the living, Walkers countyside

Update Palmnicken JAN 2024

Read here about various news related to the commemoration of the largest massacre on the territory of the German Reich, today on the territory of the Kaliningrad region.

Potrait Rabbi Moshe Nadel

Rabbi Moses Nadel

Rabbi Moses Nadel was buried in Koenigsberg. We can give face and history to his name: Nadel was born ab. 1882 in Viešintos (Lithuania), was ordinated by the Vilna Beit Din and served as a shochet and mohel in Krekenava.

Michael Wieck

Obituary of Michael Wieck

Michael Wieck had already published his memoirs of his time in Königsberg under Nazi rule and Soviet occupation in the 1980s, before the topic of