Eugen Laaser Sägewerkbesitzer

The Laaser family in Tilsit

The Laaser family in Tilsit owned several sawmills. Eugen Laaser was the president of the Tilsit Chamber of Commerce and had an art nouveau villa

Happy Birthday, Leonore!

Happy 90 th Birthday! Leonore Echt was born in 1929 in Insterburg (today Chernjachowsk, Russian Federation Kaliningrad Oblast). In Johannesburg (South Africa) we celebrated the birthday …….

Driesen Foundation Staircase

From Shelter to Deportation – Driesen Foundation

…. . This is the “Driesen Foundation”. Christians and Jews lived here together, as everywhere in Königsberg. In 1936 the magistrate decided that it would no longer be reasonable for Christians to live under one roof with Jews. ……

Jews in East Prussia Kaukehmen

Hohenbruch’s Secrets

The two commandant office buildings are still standing April 2019 – On our excursion we came to Lauknen, which later became Hohenbruch and today is