Jewish holiday home Neuhäuser
In the early summer of 1921 a Jewish children’s holiday home was built in Neuhäuser, which was based on a generous foundation by the couple
Hermann Lapidas alias Hosias Rischmann
He was born in 1848 in Vilkaviškis as Hosias Rischmann and had received his education as a young man in a yeshiva in Vilnius and at Salanter in Kaunas. Since 1895 he was in charge of the congregation in Seckenburg.
Travels to the Sources 2020
Excursions through East and West Prussia. These places changed their rulers several times in history, which also had an impact on the migration of Jews overseas and within Prussia.
History of the Jews in Saalfeld is not forgotten
We like to share this initiatives on the history of the Jews in Zalewo and have therefore translated this issue from Polish into English.