Bank in Königsberg Marx

The East Prussian banker Marx

From a small local institution to a dominant bank. George Marx: A successful immigrant in Königsberg, in: Bankers and banks as actors in the economic, political and cultural network in (north-eastern) Europe of the 16th – 20th century

Eugen Laaser Sägewerkbesitzer

The Laaser family in Tilsit

The Laaser family in Tilsit owned several sawmills. Eugen Laaser was the president of the Tilsit Chamber of Commerce and had an art nouveau villa

Happy Birthday, Leonore!

Happy 90 th Birthday! Leonore Echt was born in 1929 in Insterburg (today Chernjachowsk, Russian Federation Kaliningrad Oblast). In Johannesburg (South Africa) we celebrated the birthday …….

Michael Wieck Königsberg

Meeting Michael Wieck in Warsaw

Michael Wieck passed away at February 27 2021, may his memory be blessed. Invitation to a meeting with Michael Wieck in Warsaw on April 16

Simonsohn Shop

Stories from Allenstein part 1

Olsztyn in Poland, Allenstein was the centre of southern East Prussia. In this series we tell stories of Allenstein Jews with photos owned by their