Walter Klein

Klein’s hanger from Braunsberg

In the local history museum of Braniewo there we found hangers with the advertising imprints of a fashion store of Jacob Klein, Walter’s father.

The suitcase is on the way

The suitcase is on the way
……….. a suitcase packed with things that a child possessed when it set off alone without parents to a foreign country in the Kindertransport in the 1930s.

Sandelowsky empowered for Eretz Israel

Insight into a new exhibition – Who knows more people?
The landowner Walther Sandelowsky trained young people in agriculture since 1934 so that they could receive a certificate for immigration to Palestine.

Synagogue Kaliningrad People Rollup

Farewell to Koenigsberg

The first temporary exhibition since the opening of the Jewish Museum in the Kaliningrad Synagogue has arrived on site and was handed over.

Synagogue Schmalleningken

Schmalleningken / Smalininkai

The town had almost an urban appearance because of the customs revenues and the lively trade with its hotels, inns and stores. The Memel River was the important transport and trade artery for timber and flax imports from the interior of the continent to the Baltic Sea (via the ports of Memel or Königsberg)

Synagogue Kaliningrad Museum

Museum Media Production

These days we are combining historical photos and interviews with media designers to create a collage that will tell visitors about the fates of boys

Display in Museum

Museum Construction December

Israel – descendants of the great Königsberg banking family Marx lend an old family item to the exhibition. Leipzig – the first model of the small “show houses” for stories about Jews of the city of Königsberg is hanging.

Eva Maidenbaum and friends in Memel

Memel Album (was) in Preparation

However, all over the world, there are Jewish families who connect their roots with today’s Klaipeda. They managed to flee Europe at the end of the 1930s. In their language, they also took with them memories of their old hometown. (….)